

AFFILIATE PROGRAM „MENTAL COACHING“ Martina Pracht and Ronald ter Veer

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Mental Coaching mit Martina Pracht

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Yours Martina

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Business Coaching: Life planning with family, children, work, leisure, friends presents many women with different problems. How does „wife“ live up to that? The right career and life planning with family – while not tearing oneself apart? I’m your rock solid, because I know WHAT I’m talking about! In the last 30 years, I have not left anything out and thus I can give you the best tips and solutions! Watch my video:

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Business Coaching: Success and recognition, coupled with the improvement of your life situation, fun at work, more quality of life through an activity that makes you happy, enables you to secure your future in order to realize your life dreams!

Blog News - Business Talks

[DREAMS ? ] – Mission, visions, goals – time to tackle your dreams in concrete terms!
[DREAMS ? ] – Mission, visions, goals – time to tackle your dreams in concrete terms!

[DREAMS ? ] – Mission, visions, goals – time to tackle your dreams in concrete terms!

Martina Pracht 1. Februar 2020 Recent contributions to controversial topics! 0

https://youtu.be/8j7X28yg08Y [DREAMS ? ] - Mission, visions, goals - time to tackle your dreams in concrete terms! Today, dreams, visions and the courage to act are the order of the day! Mass layoffs, digitization, rationalization, restructuring. Nothing stays the way it was, but many people

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[GOOGLE! ] – Why, what and how often do you „google“ a day?

[GOOGLE! ] – Why, what and how often do you „google“ a day?

Martina Pracht 1. Februar 2020 Recent contributions to controversial topics! 0

https://youtu.be/JHK3HFj3XPE [GOOGLE! ] - Why, what and how often do you "google" a day? Facts from Statista: With a brand value of around $ 309 billion, Google was one of the most valuable companies in the world in 2019. Google’s revenue in 2018 was approximately

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[TRÄUME ? ] – Mission, Visionen, Ziele – Zeit deine Träume konkret anzugehen!
[TRÄUME ? ] – Mission, Visionen, Ziele – Zeit deine Träume konkret anzugehen!

[TRÄUME ? ] – Mission, Visionen, Ziele – Zeit deine Träume konkret anzugehen!

Martina Pracht 12. Dezember 2019 Aktuelle Beiträge zu brisanten Themen! 0

https://youtu.be/8j7X28yg08Y [TRÄUME ? ] - Mission, Visionen, Ziele - Zeit deine Träume konkret anzugehen! Gerade in der heutigen Zeit sind Träume, Visionen und der Mut zum Handeln angesagt! Massenentlassungen, Digitalisierung, Rationalisierung, Umstrukturierung. Nichts bleibt wie es mal war, dennoch haben viele Menschen aufgeben, statt in

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[GOOGLE ! ] – Warum, was und wie oft „googlest Du am Tag“ ?

[GOOGLE ! ] – Warum, was und wie oft „googlest Du am Tag“ ?

Martina Pracht 12. Dezember 2019 Aktuelle Beiträge zu brisanten Themen! 0

https://youtu.be/JHK3HFj3XPE [GOOGLE ! ] - Warum, was und wie oft "googlest Du am Tag" ? Fakten Quelle Statista: Mit einem Markenwert von rund 309 Milliarden US-Dollar gehörte Google im Jahr 2019 zu den wertvollsten Unternehmen der Welt. Der Umsatz von Google belief sich im Jahr

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Martina Pracht 11. Oktober 2019 Recent contributions to controversial topics! 0

[NEVER GIVE UP] at PRACHT & HOHL in Business Talk ℹ️ Since our childhood, we hear that: Do your best, never give up. But not for the TUN you will be rewarded later, but for the perseverance! * Giving up destroys the initially good results.

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Martina Pracht 11. Oktober 2019 Recent contributions to controversial topics! 0

[SELF-VER-REALIZATION]? at PRACHT & HOHL in Business Talk su Do not wallow in self-pity! How do you get important positive beliefs? Talk to yourself, as with a good friend! You also do not tell your friend: "You can not do that; What did you ever

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[ROCKET in AsS]?
[ROCKET in AsS]?

[ROCKET in AsS]?

Martina Pracht 11. Oktober 2019 Recent contributions to controversial topics! 0

[ROCKET in AsS]? at PRACHT & HOHL in Business Talk ℹ️ How to become successful! Learn WHAT and go full throttle! [0 - 8- 15 = boring!] Either HOPP or TOP? "MAKE" working with classic values: diligence, honesty, discipline, and digital skills, continuous education and

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Martina Pracht 11. Oktober 2019 Recent contributions to controversial topics! 0

[BEAST MODE]? at PRACHT & HOHL in Business Talk ℹ️ BEAST MODE: Describes the state in which something particularly difficult activity is performed with extreme power, dexterity, and determination! What we think about it, we discuss tomorrow evening! Be there ... keep saying! ?We offer

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